By default, the installation process creates configuration file/ usr/ vice/ etc/ ThisCell as a symbolic link to/ usr/ afs/ etc/ ThisCell, with the cell name we just chose as its content. 默认情况下,安装过程中会创建配置文件/usr/vice/etc/ThisCell,将它作为/usr/afs/etc/ThisCell的象征性链接,并使用我们刚选择的单元名称作为其内容。
We do this using the pageconfigure() function on the enclosing NoteBook widget, passing the symbolic name of the referenced tab as the first argument. 我们在封装标签的NoteBook窗口小部件中使用pageconfigure()函数来完成这一任务,传入的第一个参数为被引用的标签的符号名。
Additionally, applications and users ( non-administrators) should never use or specify a network service by its TCP/ IP address; they should only use a symbolic name. 另外,应用程序和用户(非管理员)不应该通过服务的TCP/IP地址使用或指定网络服务;他们应该只使用符号名。
Further, you can create a symbolic link to your executable, and you get the symlink name when it's invoked. 另外,我们可以创建一个到可执行程序的符号链接,在执行这个符号链接时,就可以看到这个符号链接的名字。
The first parameter is the symbolic name that you want to assign to the appliance ( keep this name short, because it will be used often). 第一个参数是您想要分配到设备的符号名(这个名称尽量要短,因为经常会用到)。
A hard link is a directory entry that points to an inode, while a soft link or symbolic link is a directory entry that points to an inode that provides the name of another directory entry. 一个硬链接是指向inode的一个目录条目,而一个软链接或符号链接是指向提供另一目录条目名称的inode的一个目录条目。
The symbolic name of the import is needed to perform the look-up. 在查找的过程中需要使用导入的符号名称。
For instance," root-profile "can be the symbolic name for"~ root/. profile ". 譬如,“root-profile”可以是“~root/.profile”的链接名。
Furthermore, the symbolic name used by applications and regular users should only be an 而且,应用程序和常规用户所使用的符号名称应该仅仅是一个
You can also use a symbolic link as another way of specifying the device name when mounting a device. 安装一个设备时,您也可以使用一个符号链接来作为另外一种指定设备名的方式。
Create a symbolic link between the real directory and the name you want to use. 在真实的目录和您希望使用的名称之间创建一个符号链接。
If you want to be able to detect symbolic links as well, use lstat() on a file name. 如果您想能够检测出符号链接,那么可以对文件名使用lstat()。
The first argument to the add() function is a symbolic name, by which the generated page can be referred to in the notebook: we will make use of it below. add()函数的第一个参数是一个符号名,可以在notebook中通过它引用生成的页:下面我们将使用它。
The symbolic name used by applications and regular users should not be any of the host names referenced in Table 1, and they should only use an alias to these host names, as shown in Table 2. 应用程序和常规用户所使用的符号名称不应该为表1中提及的任何主机名,并且他们应该只使用这些主机名的别名,如表2中所示。
Furthermore, the symbolic name used by applications and regular users should only be an "alias" pointing to a host name. 应用程序和一般用户使用的符号名应该是指向主机名的“别名”。
The symbolic call name is the name of an actual method ( a corollary of the previous point) 符号调用名就是实际的方法名(这是上述限制的必然结果)
In our first example, we assume that device_namer outputs a number of parts, each one to form a symbolic link ( alternative name) for the device in question. 在我们的第一个例子中,我们假设devicenamer输出一些信息,每一部分形成当前设备的一个符号链接。
Rahab name means "large" and may be based on the poetic and symbolic name for egypt. 喇合的名字意思是巨大,它可能源自“埃及”这个国家名称的诗歌和象征性别称。
In FORTRAN, a data item that is not an array or array element, identified by a symbolic name. 在FORTRAN语言中,由符号名标识的非数组或非数组元素的一种数据项。
This paper analyzes the symbolic meanings of the name, characters and scenes in The Iceman Cometh and concludes that this play is a symbol of human beings existential predicament. 本文从象征意义的角度对剧名、角色和场景进行分析,得出这部戏剧就是人类生存困境的隐喻和象征。
A symbolic constant is a constant that is represented by a name, just as a variable is represented. 符号常量是一个用名字表示的常量,正如一个变量所表示的。
They are introduction, basic symbols, convention of operands, symbolic name, language structure, explanation, microstatement and control sequence. 全文共分下列八个部分:引言,基本符号,操作数的约定,符号名,语言结构,说明,微语句和控制序列。
This paper discusses the four symbolic aspects: Name and place symbol, scence symbol and plant and animal symbol. 本文探讨了这部小说象征艺术的四个方面:人名、地名象征,场景象征,植物象征和动物象征。
The article explores the symbolic art in three respects: symbolism of place name, the symbolism of environment, and the symbolism of animals. 文中探讨了这两部小说象征艺术的三个方面:地名象征、环境象征和动物象征。
The symbolic and cultural actors bring the cottage different gains and some just entertaining people at the same time, entertaining himself. And others may be market-driven speculation behavior, with the name and value-added benefit. 而符号的象征带来了山寨文化行为者不同的获取,有的只是娱人娱己,有的则是市场利益驱动下的炒作行为,附带着名与利的增值。